B.B. King is Dead | level 2

21-05-2015 07:00 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

The King of Blues, guitarist and singer BB King, died. He was 89 years old.

He influenced a generation of rock guitarists and was one of the world’s best guitarists. King performed in at least a hundred concerts a year.

Recently, he had an illness and people took him to hospital. Earlier this month, he said on Facebook that he was in hospice care at home. He died in his sleep in Las Vegas.


There will be a quiz – I will make it today


Difficult words: influence (to change something or to inspire somebody), hospice care (care for people who are going to die soon).

You can read the original story and watch the video in the Level 3 section.

Source:  News In Levels



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B.B. King is Dead | level 2 originally published on Practice Your English